Arkansas Water Works &
Water Environment Association



Haw Creek Falls | Ozark National Forest

AWW&WEA Objectives

To further the dissemination of information and the advancement of knowledge in the areas of design, construction, operation and management of utilities rendering water and water pollution control service to the public.

To further study, experimentation and research in the areas of distribution, treatment, conservation, reclamation, development of water resources and utility management.

To provide a means for the improvement in the professional status of personnel engaged in the design, management and operation of water and water pollution control systems.

To encourage participation and support of American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Federation.

To encourage membership in, and to provide support to, the associated districts of the Association.



AWW&WEA Chair Heath Ward
AWW&WEA Vice Chair Tad Bohannon
AWW&WEA Secretary Jerry Martin
AWW&WEA Treasurer Cary Beth Lipscomb
AWW&WEA Past Chair Jane Hurley
AWEA Representative Megan House
Arkansas Trustee of SWAWWA Mindi Dearing
Manufacturers’ Representative Vicki Stanley
AR Water & Wastewater Managers Assoc. Representative Steve Dufresne

District Directors


Arkansas Valley District John Choate
Central District Rebecca Burkman
Eastern District Larry Fisher
North Central District Scotty Boggs
Northeast District Robert Ring
Northwest District Stacy Cheevers
Southeast District Buddy Kinney
Southwest District James Whisenhunt
Western District Jimmie Johnson

Conference Photos

Click the button below to view Conference photos from previous Conferences

2020 Past Chairs

2024 Jane Hurley
2023 Water Collins
2022 Lance McAvoy
2021 Lance McAvoy
2020 Lance McAvoy 

2010 Past Chairs

2019 Blake Weindorf
2018 Aaron Benzing
2017 Kevin Hall
2016 Lane Crider
2015 Susan Meridith

2014 Ashley Barr Massey
2013 Howell Anderson
2012 Larry Oelrich
2011 Craig Johnson
2010 Lisa Ellington

2000 Past Chairs

2009 Darrell Boggs
2008 Darrell Phillips
2007 Larry Lloyd
2006 John Jarratt
2005 Stan Benton

2004 Dale Kimbrow
2003 Wendell Chapman
2002 Alan Fortenberry
2001 Stanley Suel
2000 Ron Brown

1990 Past Chairs

1999 Perry Nelson
1998 Daniel K. Dawson
1997 Bruno Kirsch, Jr. P.E.
1996 Reggie Corbitt, P.E.
1995 Steve Morgan

1994 Robert “Dink” White
1993 Glenn Holmes
1992 Dale Norman
1991 Clarence O. Buckner
1990 Jerre M. VanHoose

1980 Past Chairs

1989 James J. Tanner
1988 Rene Langston
1987 Jack C. Godwin
1986 Bill Phillips
1985 T. A. “Tom” Skinner

1984 Jerry W. Martin
1983 James T. Harvey
1982 Gerald S. Allen
1981 James W. Beazley, III
1980 James E. McClelland

1970 Past Chairs

1979 Joseph E. Garner
1978 Cecil Larry Weir
1977 C. Richard Starr
1976 W. R. Steward, Jr.
1975 Ottis R. Cude

1974 J.E. McEwen
1973 Richard Gray
1972 O. P. Johnson, III
1971 Porter L. Pryor
1970 Homer Parks

1960 Past Chairs

1969 John N. Rogers, Jr.
1968 Otis Corbell
1967 Jimmie M. Alford
1966 Wayne Davis
1965 Charles J. Burrus

1964 Vell Hall
1963 Charles O. Hall
1962 E. L. Cowsert
1961 R. L. Rimmer
1960 Marion Ulmer

1950 Past Chairs

1959 Nall Brantley
1958 Foster Burba
1957 John Luce
1956 Lon Embree
1955 A. O. Chastain

1954 Jack H. Wilson
1953 J. J. Highfill
1952 Cecil Brown
1951 Elmo A. Lambert
1950 Neal B. Thayer

1940 Past Chairs

1949 Solon Sanders
1948 J. R. Pierce
1947 W. R. Spencer
1946 Edgar T. Brown
1945 No conference

1944 E. F. Byerley
1943 W. A. “AL” Mayhan
1942 Barney Brown
1941 D.Y. McDowell
1940 H.S. Peck

1930 Past Chairs

1939 Fletcher Thompson
1938 Ralph Pittman
1937 A. H. Ulrich
1936 Henry E. Nunn

1935 Lloyd M. Rebsamen
1934 Ed V. Leverett
1933 L.A. Jackson
1932 E.M. Ratliff


Adopted Resolution of Incorporation

 Arkansas Water Works Conference 1931

Be it resolved, that it is the sense of this meeting that a permanent organization be formed for the purpose of holding annual conferences for those actively engaged in the design, management, operation and control of water works systems to be known as the Arkansas Water Works Conference. That meeting shall be held at least once a year at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville in co-operation with the Extension Department and College of Engineering of the University and the State Board of Health.  That the officers of the conference shall consist of a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary. There shall be an executive committee, consisting of the officers and three others, one consisting of a member of the faculty of the College of Engineering of the University of Arkansas, one from the group of privately owned plants and one from the group of municipally owned plants. That the officers and members of the executive committee shall be elected on the last day of the annual conference and shall hold office until the election and acceptance of their successors. The chairman shall appoint a committee of three which shall submit to the conference nominations for the officers and membership of the executive committee.



  • The roots of the AWW&WEA were formed when a group of 47 met in Fayetteville, Arkansas for two days in February to form the First Annual Arkansas Water Works Conference. It was during that time that the group would decide to form a permanent organization for the purpose of holding annual conferences for those actively engaged in the design, management, operation and control of water works systems.

Slow Growth

  • In the beginning, Association growth was slow. The conference, which was a joint program with Oklahoma Water and Sewage Conference, reported having 53 registered attendees. The conference name was then changed to the Arkansas Water and Sewer Conference. The following year, the conference was held in Fort Smith and was a joint program with the Southwest Section of American Water Works Association

9th Annual Conference

  • The AW&S Conference was held in Fayetteville with 88 registrants representing 50 cities. A plan was developed for holding district water and sewage state-wide meetings throughout the year. The program was designed particularly to bring the work of the Conference to many of the smaller Arkansas cities and towns. A Licensing Committee was appointed to prepare details of a tentative future voluntary licensing plan for water plant operators. The Licensing Committee report was submitted and the plan was adopted.

Districts Formed & Exams given

  • By 1940 attendance had reached 103. Districts had been formed throughout the state and a report on the first eight district meetings was given at the conference. License exams were first given at the 11th Annual Conference in 1941 to 42 attendees. Registration fees of $2 for manufacturers’ representatives and $1 for members were first charged in 1942. The fees were to be used in preparation of the proceedings and other expenses of the conference, supplementing the amount supplied by the sponsors

Federation of Sewage Works Association

  • Activities surrounding World War II slowed the growth of the conference and development of the districts. The conference was not held in 1945. The conference resumed in 1946 with 98 registered attendees and the “Federation of Sewage Works Association” section was established.

Eastern District Formed

  • In 1947 the 16th Annual Arkansas Water and Sewage Conference reported that Arkansas now had 182 public water supplies and 111 sewage disposal plants. December 1947 saw the rebirth of the districts as we know them today with the forming of the Eastern District. The pacesetting Eastern District became the pattern for the rest of the districts. The districts have since grown from one to nine and hold almost 100 meetings throughout the year, meeting in almost every city in the state

School Technical Sessions

  • One hundred sixty attendees registered for the 1949 conference. Three school sessions were held on water purification, meters and distribution systems. This was the beginning of the conference short school technical sessions. The Sewage Works Constitution was amended to include annual dues. The fees were set at $5 for Active Members and $15 for Corporate Members

Safe Public Water Supply

  • In 1950 the 19th Arkansas Water and Sewage Conference attendance had risen to 193. It was at this conference that a committee was appointed to prepare a plan for awarding the use of properly posted highway signs stating “Safe Public Water Supply” to those cities whose water met minimum standards. The work of this conference ended in 1952 when the Arkansas State Board of Health set requirements under which it would authorize placement of water approved signs. It should be noted that in Arkansas these signs indicate that the system so designated not only far exceeds the criteria for safe water, but is also an excellent system in all areas

Name & Location Change

  • In 1951 the conference name was changed to Arkansas Water and Sewage Conference and Short Course. The 21st annual conference was held for the first time in Hot Springs and had a registered attendance of 182.

236 Public Water Supplies

  • In 1967 the 36th Annual Conference was held in Little Rock at the Marion Hotel. The conference set a new attendance record of 354 people. It was reported that there were 236 public water supplies serving 885,000 people and 141 public sewage systems serving 750,000 people

37th Annual Conference

  • The 1974 conference was held in Hot Springs with attendance in excess of 700. Dale Bumpers, then Governor of Arkansas, and former Senator William Fulbright addressed the conference attendees.

Tools for Better Service

  • The 44th Annual Arkansas Water Works and Pollution Control Conference and Short School, held April 1975 at the Camelot Inn in Little Rock, was the first conference to initiate a program theme. The theme “Tools for Better Service” was selected to focus on providing quality service with the use of efficient tools

Glen T. Kellogg Award

  • The Glen T. Kellogg Award was founded, and the first recipient was Glen T. Kellogg

Founders Award

  • Richard Gray and Warren Spencer received a “one-time exclusive” Founders Award

First Female Chair on the Board

  • Lisa Ellington served as the first female Chair of the Arkansas Water Works and Water Environment Association Board of Directors.



  • Additionally, at this time, a scanning system was developed to scan a barcode on conference registrants’ badges to capture hours for continuing education credits. The data was then supplied to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) as well as the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).

Aaron A. Stallman Award

  • Aaron A. Stallman award was founded to honor young  professionals
  • .Lisa Ellington was named the Glen T. Kellogg award winner

Global Pandemic Conference on Hold

  • A global pandemic (COVID 19) caused worldwide cancellation of events, conferences, and gatherings of any kind.  The annual conference was put on hold for two years and finally was able to re-convene in 2022 in Hot Springs.
The AWW&WEA Annual Conference has grown considerably from the vision of the forty-seven who first started the water flowing to the prominent water-professional Association and Conference that it is today. We salute the pioneering insight and the committed fortitude of the Arkansas Water Works and Water Environment Association members for their dedicated service to the Association.